Check Mike Horstman on TV and book your Alaska hunt of a lifetime with Kodiak Guide Service
Alaska bear hunting guide Mike Horstman was featured mostly as a Kodiak bear guide and a Sitka black-tailed deer hunt guide during these shows.
Mountain Men – Überleben in der Wildnis (TV Serial):
The Gauntlet (2018)
Double Jeopardy (2018)
Milestones (2018)
Conquer the Mountain (2018)
Lost Time Is Never Found (2018)
The Hunt (TV documentary)
Predator or Prey? (2014)
Jonesville man now leading bear hunts in Alaska
Bear hunting guide Michael Horstman has been leading hunting expeditions in Alaska since the winter of 1979. Mike Horstman, who hunted, trapped and fished throughout his adolescence, decided early on that he wanted to go to Alaska to hunt. As a young boy, Michael Horstman would flip eagerly through the pages of Outdoor Life and other hunting magazines which featured Alaskan hunting adventures. “We’d read the articles and wait for it every month. That was the closest you got to going,” Michael Horstman explained.
… From 2016/03/02 www.yourcliftonpark.com

Mike Horstman – Mountain Men Cast | HISTORY
Alaska bear hunting guide Mike Horstman is a legend among the Mountain Men. Michael Horstman has over 40 years of experience hunting in Alaska.
“… On the storm-battered shores of Kodiak Island lives master bear guide, Mike Horstman. A Kodiak resident of more than forty years, he lives alone in a remote coastline cabin on Eagle Harbor, only accessible by boat or plane. It’s here that he has come to be known as one of Kodiak’s most legendary Mountain Men. Mike earns an income guiding brown bear hunts for just 11 weeks out of the year. The rest of his time is spent carving out a subsistence living from his natural surroundings… Where rogue storms can blow in at 100 mph and 3,500 brown bears hibernate on a hair trigger.”
…from the History Channel https://www.history.com/shows/mountain-men/

Alaska bear hunting guide Mike Horstman in “The Hunt”
“…Veteran bear guide Mike Horstman is on his second hunt of the season. His hunter, Mike Redes, is living his dream on this bucket-list hunt.”
…from “The Hunt” www.history.com